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Daily half-hour Spoken Chinese program

For No Chinese environment or seldom Chinese speaking students

30 min
15.90 Singapore dollars
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Service Description

Spoken Chinese needs to be practiced every day to make progress. It can form memory in the oral muscles and cultivate Chinese thinking at the same time. First, Daily Spoken Chinese can help students enrich their vocabulary Isolated words are not easy to remember, but sentences and articles have plots. Putting words in sentences makes it easier to remember the context. Students often practice spoken Chinese, and they come into contact with more and more new words and sentence patterns. This is very beneficial for students to use common words and phrases flexibly Second, Daily Spoken Chinese can improve the ability of oral Chinese expression Only by paying attention to pronunciation and intonation at the beginning of learning Chinese, imitating boldly, and correcting mouth shape and tongue position in time, can one speak standard Chinese. For the cultivation of students' Spoken Chinese expression ability, daily Spoken Chinese training is even more important. It has two functions: First, as mentioned earlier, Chinese oral training helps students break through psychological barriers. Let Students dare to speak Chinese aloud. After learning and practicing, students will no longer be "dumb" . Second, after long-term persistence, can enable students to form a certain sense of language and initially develop the habit of thinking in Chinese. Third, Daily Spoken Chinese training helps to cultivate students' sense of language To learn a language, you must develop a sense of language, which plays an important role in learning a language well. Language sense emphasizes the intuitive feeling of language and characters, and finally achieves the realm of rapid comprehension of language and characters. It is the core factor that constitutes a person's Chinese quality. The sense of language is produced by acquired training. In speech practice, various senses such as hearing and vision accumulate language knowledge through contact with language materials, and experience its pronunciation, semantics, intonation and tone. Gradually cultivate the perception of language. Fourth, Daily Spoken Chinese can promote the development of students' listening and thinking When you integrate into the learning of daily spoken Chinese, you will find that your spoken Chinese ability is improving every day, and your vision and thinking are constantly being updated. These benefits require you to persevere in learning spoken Chinese. The short-term effect is not great. What a pity that

Cancellation Policy

Free Trial booking charge will be refunded to you if you do not want further study. When booking a class, a teacher commits to it and therefore schedules an appointment and prepares for the class. Because of this, we have the following class cancellation policy: If you cancel with more than 3 days in advance, your credit will be refunded. If you cancel with less than 3 days notice, unfortunately it’s not possible to refund the class credit. Please be aware that the 3 days are measured by the exact hour.

Contact Details

Tel: +65 6604 4941

ONLINE 1 Coleman Street, The Adelphi, Singapore 179803, Singapore

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